(a) Strengthen memory, prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
(b) Insomnia (sleeping problem)
(c) Chronic Fatigue
(d) Muscle pain
(a) Strengthen memory, prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Learning & memory process are the two inter-relationships of nervous activities. We keep our learning process into our memory system. If the message received can’t be strengthen, then massage (will be slipped out from our memory. Memory is as natural to us as breathing. It is an ability we all have. We do not think of it until we have memory problems.
Memory needs a lot of nutrients and energy to support as to maintain it optimal function. One reason many people suffer from memory loss is an insufficient supply of necessary nutrients to the brain.
People have come to expect that, as they age, their ability to remember will begin to deteriorate; their power of recall will diminish. This is not necessary true. The aging process has itself has little, if any, bearing on the ability to recall information.
There are numerous other factors involved in the deterioration of memory:-
(i) Exposure to free radicals, which can wreak enormous damage to the memory if unchecked.
(ii) Alcoholic & drug addicts
(iii) Stress
(iv) Thyroid disorders
(v) Poor blood circulation to the brain
(vi) Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar
(vii) Allergies
(viii) Candidiasis
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors provides excellent nutrients to support memory, concentration and other higher brain function, eg: neurotransmitters. It also maximizes mental ability and prevent memory loss. Antioxidant SOD & SA amino acid help to eliminate excess free radicals which in turn help to improve memory.
Alzheimer’s Disease ( Senior Dementia) is characterized by progressive mental deterioration. It is an irreversible, progressive disorder. As the disease progresses, there is severe memory loss, particularly in short-term memory. Alzheimer’s Disease creates severe confusion & disorientation and possibly hallucinations or delusions. The precise cause or cause of Alzheimer’s Disease is unknown. Many of them point to nutritions deficiency.
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors contains essential nutrients which enhance brain metabolism, slows down deterioration of memory & reduces the production of free radicals, thus beside improves brain & memory function, it also prevents from Alzheimer’s Disease.
(b) Insomnia (sleep disorder) = habitual sleeplessness
Sleep & awakening are the common phenomenon of human & animal physiological activities.
Healthy sleep cycle is essential for all of us, as to feel refreshed & operate at peak efficiency during the day.
Failure to get an entire night’s sleep over one month period can be considered as chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia can be very frustrating, It can be attributed to depression & psychological disorders such as anxiety, stress or grief.
Causes of insomnia are: arthritis, asthma, breathing problems, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, indigestion, kidney & renal disease, muscle aches, Parkinson’s disease or physical pain, caffeine consumption, certain drugs, many antidepressants, most appetite suppressant, beta-blocker, thyroid hormone replacement and lack of nutrients can cause Insomnia. System disorders involving the brain, digestive system, endocrine system, heart, kidney, liver, lung & pancreas all may affect sleep. Long term insomnia can cause irritability and daytime sleepiness, with decreased ability to perform creative or repetitive task. A more serious deterioration in overall performance and can even result in mild personality changes, so can contribute to other health problems.
Many people who suffer from insomnia resort to sleeping pills, sleeping pills do not cure insomnia, however, and they can interfere with REM sleep. The continued use of sleeping pills can eventually lead to disruption of all the deeper stage of sleep and all lead to dependency, either psychological or physical. Sleeping pills can only use as a temporary solution. Side effects of sleeping pills are agitation, confusion, depression, dry mouth & worsening the symptoms of enlarge prostate.
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors is essential for the body & is used during the sleep cycle. It balances the autonomous, sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems & having a calming effects and relaxing the muscle & enhances sleep.
A lack of sleep can encourage serious illness and cause premature aging.
During sleep, the body’s systems are still controlling basic functions. Nutrients are essential for the body & are used during the sleep cycle.
(c) Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue is a complex signals including poor nutrition, anemia, hormone disturbance, decrease immune system, stress, all these cause tiredness & lack of energy.
Fatigue is also a symptom of many other illnesses including hepatitis, mononucleosis, thyroid disease & cancers.
Conditions affect Chronic Fatigue are:
Factors: (A) Lifestyle
(i) Smoking
(ii) Stress
(iii) Insomnia
(iv) Lack of good nutrition
(v) Alcohol consumption
Factors: (B) Chronic disease:
(i) Chronic Diabetes
(ii) Lung disease
(iii) Anemia
(iv) Renal disease
(v) Cancers
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue:
Lack of concentration, lack of enthusiasm, low energy level, libido, tiredness, slow in thinking, poor performance, lazy, premature aging, lack of efficacy.
HES CELL Polypeptide Growth Factors can improve anemia, increase immunity, regulate endocrine system & sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system, patient may recover promptly & regain energy & hope, and back to their work soon.
(d) Muscle Pain (Muscle aching)
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors has very strong anti inflammatory & analgesic affects. Using Acupuncture vital points for injections, HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors treatment can achieve very good results on the following conditions:
(i) Low back pain
(ii) Knee joint pain
(iii) Frozen shoulder
(iv) Sciatica
(v) Tendonitis
(vi) Arthritis
(vii) Fibromyositis
(viii) Gout attack
(ix) Muscle injury
(x) Muscle cramp
(xi) Strain
Injections of HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors through acupuncture vital points for all muscles & joints pain can achieve tremendous effects & without any side effect, Worth Trying!