Prevention is better than cure, is always the best policy
(A) As Preventive Measure:
(a) Anti-aging
(b) Against Disease (Anti-bacteria, anti viruses)
(c) Anti Cancerous
(a) Anti-aging (Slow down the aging process)
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors Therapy, beside having anti-aging effects, it has also tremendous effects over skin complexion and texture. The skin becomes fairer, smoother, softer, younger, healthier and disappearance of wrinkles.
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors contains essential nutrients and biological active substances needed for survival, growth, development & metabolism by the cells of our body.
Vital nutrients including polypeptides, amino acid, enzymes, nucleic acids, minerals, factors…etc provide excellent nourishment for our cells, tissues and organs. Our body will stay healthy and achieve optimal functioning & longevity.
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Powerful antioxidants, SA amino acid and SOD help to clear off excess free radicals from our body. (Free radicals attack our cells, causing degeneration changes, aged and death. The damages it leave behind can be irreversible, particularly damage to the heart muscle, cells, nerve cells. Indeed not all free radicals are bad. They only cause problems when they are in excess. Free radicals produced by immune system destroyed viruses and bacterias. Others are involved in producing vital hormones and activating enzymes that are needed for live.) SOD enhances the production of collagen and also has moisturizing effects over the skin. HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors capable of nourishing, regulating, balancing & enhancing the effects of our nervous system, hemopoietic system, circulatory system, endocrine system, reproductive system, skeletal system, muscular system & immune system. The therapeutic anti-aging effects of HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors are described as physical & mental activation by patients as: (i) improvement of general state of health, eg: more active physical mental state (ii) improve appetite, increase libido with higher levels of testosterone, aldosterone and thyroxin level (iii) forget about sleep problems, improve memory, decrease of weakness, gait is more like in youth (iv) improve sexual desire and capacity dramatically (v) look younger, energy level much higher, body seem to recuperate more quickly (vi) Higher lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes counts & lower CD-95 count.
The anti-aging effects of HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors Therapy is proven safe & effective, and successfully revitalized and extends youth.
(b) Against Disease (anti bacteria, anti viruses)
HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors not only improve our body self natural healing power, but also markedly increased our immune system.
Immune-lymphocytes T3, T4, T8, T16, T19, after being nourished by HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors, markedly increased their power against bacteria & viruses, SA amino acid & S.O.D. which are very powerful antioxidant that help to remove excess free radicals from our body. The important functions of HES CELL Polypeptides Growth Factors as preventive measure are:
(i) To strengthened our immune system
(ii) To prevent against bacteria & viruses infection
Increasing our immunity & self renewal power, we can save thousands of dollars on medical bills and enjoy a healthy peaceful & quality life.
(c) Anti Cancerous
It is not known exactly what causes the cell damage that initiates the cancer process. The chain event that leads to cancer is complex. A combination of genetic, behavioral, environmental, viruses, chemical radiation & lifestyle factors are believed to be involved radiation in it. But many experts believe that free radicals are important factor in causing cancers. Free radicals impair the immune system, weaken the immune system & impairing the body’s ability to destroy precancerous cells before the develop into cancer.
As we reach 40 of age, our immune system will be weakening by 50% and ability to fight against cancer cells is very much reduced.
HES CELL Polypeptides Nutrition contains very powerful antioxidants SA amino acid & S.O.D. which help our body to remove excess free radicals, foreign bodies, (including precancerous cells) from our body. Thus preventing from cancer formation. (Free radicals are thought to be the risk factor that causing the controlled cellular growth and leading to cancer.)
HES CELL Polypeptides Nutrition Therapy will nourish & strengthened our immune system that may inhibit the development and growth of cancer, so reducing our cancer risk factor.