Multiple Sclerosis treatment through regenerative medicine
Application of suspensions containing fetal stem cells in patients with multiple sclerosis (also known as "disseminated sclerosis" or "encephalomyelitis disseminata") gives maximum effective results in all forms and stages of this disease. UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC has developed and successfully applies its own method of effective multiple sclerosis treatment with the use of stem cells. The mechanism of action of this treatment is very simple: by restoring the immune system competency, fetal stem cells stop the autoimmune reaction of destroying one's own myelin proteins, thus making it possible to achieve a stable and long-term remission. Influenced by various factors they proliferate and differentiate into neural tissue. This allows the body of the person to minimize the clinical manifestations of the demyelination process, to improve the dynamics of neurological functions recovery, significantly improve the quality of life. |
Stem cell therapy allows to achieve the most successful results in curing of people with relapsing-remitting form of encephalomyelitis disseminata (in 90% of the cases a stable remission is achieved, that lasts 2-2.5 times longer than usual). Multiple sclerosis treatment of persons with other types of this disease reaches a stable remission in 55% of the cases. Effects of our recovery remain for many years. Our patients report absence of disease progression, preservation of working capacity, improved quality of life. Typically, people who apply to us undergo repeated courses of healing of multiple sclerosis at intervals of 1.5-2 years.
Effects of Recovery from Multiple Sclerosis through cell injections provided by our clinic
Administration of fetal stem cell suspension in patients with multiple sclerosis, as a rule, leads to immediate improvement of psycho-emotional condition of the person, while neurological effects need some longer period of time to develop. As a result of multiple sclerosis treatment more than 90% of the patients show syndrome of the early posttransplantation improvements, which manifests in improved mood and appetite, appearance of vivacity, decreased weakness. Moreover, 63% of the patients observe deep psychosomatic changes: decreased depression, anxieties about future, phobias. They are more confident in their recovery, have improved working capacity and better ability to concentrate their attention (it helps, for example, in achieving better results in professional and learning activities).
During the first year after stem cell therapy, many our patients demonstrate eyesight recovery, elimination of depression, improvement of their mental abilities as well as emotional sphere. Such disorders as speech and motor disturbances, dysfunction of pelvic organs and disturbances of gastrointestinal tract also retreat, but it requires more time. Such patients (about 72%) should repeat a healing of multiple sclerosis in a year. Patients with primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis report that the disease stops progressing in 3 to 6 months after our stem cell treatment. You should remember that reconstitution of the nervous system is a long process that requires much patience.
Multiple Sclerosis, along with Parkinson’s disease and diabetes mellitus, refers to such diseases, in treatment of which administration of fetal stem cells is highly effective and allows achieving maximum positive results.
The course of Multiple Sclerosis treatment at the UCTC takes, as a rule, 2 days.