Spinal muscular atrophy treatment through regenerative medicine
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder that brings to weakness of muscle and, consequently, the person loses the ability to move. The condition is incurable but doctors try to manage it. During SMA the motor neurons from definite part of the spinal cord are affected. Motor neurons connect the spinal cord and brain. The muscles move after motor neurons send signals all over the body and give regulations what should be done. Depending on the order they can either relax or not. When work of nerve cells becomes worse, the connection of brain and muscles is destroyed little by little. The person feels week and refuses from activity more and more. Actually he is not able to do anything because of the condition. The disease develops because of genetic defect, which is found in SMN1 (survival motor neuron protein) gene. Protein is important for survival of motor neurons and neuronal cells will die without it. Parents of the children, who suffer from the disease, may be the carriers of the gene, but may not suffer from it. No symptoms can be manifested. If this is so then the genetic counseling is needed.
Types of spinal muscular atrophy
There are from 3 to 5 types of Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) . Children of SMA Type I usually die in the course of 2 years. Life expectancy of children with SMA Type II will depend upon such factors as age. The older the child the less severe the disease is. Such kids can live to adolescence. Spinal muscular atrophy type III makes patients vulnerable to respiratory infections. If the patient receives a good care, it is possible for him to get a normal lifespan. One of every 25 to 50 people become carriers of SMA. The figure vary from one country to another. It is important to point out that this is the most widespread disease that cause lethal outcome for babies.
Symptoms of SMA
The symptoms of infants are the following:
· The child has breathing problems because he does not get sufficient oxygen;
· It is hard to feed such baby as food goes to windpipe, not to the stomach;
· There is not enough movement;
· Weakness is deteriorated.
As for the child, the symptoms of SMA include:
· Frequent respiratory infections that become more severe with time;
· Bad posture;
· Nasal speech.
The person is able to survive for some time with supportive care only. Fetal stem cells treatment can provide a good chance for the patient to get another life. 75% of our patients obtain the remission period. 92% of patients have considerable enhancement. The Spinal muscular atrophy is incurable. Because of the mobility impairment the quality of life is very low. But the hereditary disease can be cured with fetal stem cells treatment. Such transplantations are performed in our clinic. The person will have to stay in UCTC for a couple of days only.