Safety of Stem Cell Transplantation
1. The donors must be healthy & have been carefully selected & screened for illness.
2. All donors are DNA screened to ensure no genetic diseases are present.
3. Many years of clinical experience have shown that the embryonic stem cells help to heal diseases,
they do not affect the genetic system of the patients.
4. To date, no side effect of ESCT are observed.
5. Limited number of contraindication.
6. Obviously very important to know that any cells used for transplantation are safe, free from contamination
(Pathogens or other cell type) and that they have the desire properties. For Embryonic Cells it is normal
for them to give rise to many cell types. Clearly we would not want risk using cells that might lead to
cancer from a type of tumor call a teratocarcinima.
1.) Acute infection; eg. Phlebitis, arthritis, capillaritis, vasculitis, opthalmopaties
2.) Thrombosis
3.) Pulmonary Hypertension
4.) Terminal stage of Disease
5.) Chronic infection