Ukraine Stem Cell Transplantation Therapy after going through 21 years with 8000 clinical medical cases had been determined to have this two effects:
1. Stem cells will concentrate on repairing the targeted lesion.
2. Improvement in overall body system
Related body systems include: mental and emotional system, physical activity, immune system and cardiovascular system. As recipient’s internal organs will automatically adjust and balance themselves to achieve better functions.
Follow Up Report
Name: XXX
Age: 49
Sex: Male
BP: 120/70 mm Hg Weight: 74kg Height: 175cm Pulse: 70/min
Date of ESCT : 4 November 2009 & 5 November 2009
Date of HES CELL Growth Factor Therapy : October 2009 – January 2010 ( 9 Treatments )
Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease
Hoehn & Yahr stage II two years ago
General Conditions after Stemcell treatment & HES CELL Growth Factor therapy:
1. Less numbness & stiffness over right upper & lower extremities.
2. Continue follow up by neurologist
Patient continuously receiving follow up treatments from doctors.